Sonta – quick facts
Sonta is a village in West Bačka district, in the municipality of Apatin. Located not far from the Bogojevo border crossing.
As a typical place from Vojvodina province, it is rich in various cultures, peoples and nationalities, nestled in an extremely favorable geographical area.
According to some data, Sonta was first mentioned under the name Zund in 1173.
According to the last population census, which was in 2011, Sonta had 4331 inhabitants.

In Sonta, there are now a kindergarten, an elementary school, a clinic, two churches – Orthodox and Roman Catholic. Despite the decreasing number of inhabitants, the people of Sonta try to preserve their rich tradition and that there is no shortage of sports and cultural events.
Grožđebal (Wine fest)
The tourist event marking the end of the grape harvest has been celebrated since 1928. It is the oldest manifestation in the municipality of Apatin, and according to many, it is also one of the oldest in Vojvodina province. As part of Grožđebal, an exhibition of handicrafts is organized, various folklore groups perform, and a parade of decorated carriages and country carts is especially interesting, where people are dressed in traditional costumes and are necessarily accompanied by traditional songs, which lead to the symbolic wedding of the prince and princess.
Kirbaj is the old village glory of Sonta, which is celebrated on August 10, the Catholic holiday of St. Lovro. The first weekend after that date is marked for a real village celebration, when the people of Sonta have fun at the fair, carousel, and the night life is especially active.

Heart of Jesus
Also related to the Roman Catholic holiday that has been celebrated at the end of June for many years, in a similar, but less intense way, to Kirbaj.
All Saints
Or as Sisvete is said in Sonta, it is a Christian holiday when all the saints are celebrated. In Orthodox churches, this holiday is celebrated on the first Sunday after All Souls’ Day, and Catholics celebrate it on November 1. All the inhabitants of Sonta, probably led by the majority of Catholic believers, celebrate this holiday on November 1 when they traditionally visit the graves of the deceased. Although people visit the cemetery throughout the day, most of them leave in the early evening because it is then illuminated with lighted candles and lanterns, which gives a special image that is specific to that day. This kind of celebration of this holiday began only in the 20th century.
Theater Week Festival
The relatively young festival, which has been held from 2015, offers to Sonta residents the opportunity to finally enjoy the theatre plays. Some performances are intended for children, some for adults, and some have no age limits. So far, guests have come to the festival from all over Vojvodina, from other parts of Serbia, and there were also guests from Bijeljina, Bosnia and Herzegovina. This festival has serious potential to become one of the main features of Sonta, and is organized by the Sonta Center for Culture and Education.